Day 11 of Social Distancing
It’s official: I am fat. I got on the scale for a reality check. A whopping 218.6 lbs. My heaviest weight EVER (minus being pregnant). UGGGHHHH!!!!
Practicing social distancing means no gym. I was loving the gym, especially Zumba! I had really gotten into it and it has become my favourite class. My friend and I would go to Bootcamp, Zumba and Zumba Strong classes during the week. I was feeling stronger and healthier.
And now….I’ve let it go. I eat too much. I get zero exercise.
Back to thinking about what my hairdresser said, that "I can have my cake and eat it too" mentality. So I have decided to cut back on my food intake. I told myself that I can eat anything I want to, just less of it. I am trying to be mindful when I eat – am I really hungry? Or am I just bored or anxious?
I’ve committed to some form of exercise each day. Today was a 45 minute walk outside with my husband. It was cold but sunny with not too much wind. We chatted about what life is like now, our worries, our kids, our workplaces….and it was good, both physically and mentally.
I plan on finding some online Zumba classes I can do from home.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if I lost some weight, toned up and felt renewed over this “break” from regular life? Could this be a silver lining in this pandemic? I have been given a chunk of time at home. While I am still working, there is no commute, no kids’ activities, minimal errands…. Providing we all stay healthy, how will I use this time wisely?
How will you use this time wisely?

It’s not easy when the gym closes (I miss mine so much!!) but you are on the right track!
What a very real and positive post! I love that you were able to spend some time with your husband on a walk. And I agree with you: for all of the challenges and sacrifices of this current time, I think that it can also bring some remarkable blessings, if people are able to recognize them and embrace them. ❤️