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God’s Design for Me?

Writer: ChattyCaroleChattyCarole

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

Am I just destined to be overweight? Did God design me to be the fat girl in the group?

I mean, I am cheerful and self-deprecating. Aren’t many fat girls like this? It helps with my self-esteem that people find me funny. I have no problem making fun of myself. I don’t think that makes me malicious. I’m funnier and happier when I’m eating good amounts of food. I’m quieter and somewhat resentful when I’m starving/binging. So maybe God wants me to be fat. I don’t know??

Is being fat so bad? Does it mean that God has trusted me to be a stronger person, to weather this fat storm? I have thicker skin, in every sense.

Maybe I’m just trying to convince myself that fat is okay. I am not the only fat person in the world. Being overweight doesn’t make me stupid or mean. It just means I’m fat.

What does my husband think about my size? I know he doesn’t like really super skinny. But the pendulum has swung too far the other direction. I know my extra weight means that now I snore. Not attractive. I am sure he would love for me to lose some amount of weight.

What do I see when I look in the mirror? I see my favourite features: my hazel eyes and my dimples when I smile. I have joy in my face – someone once told me he could see the Holy Spirit in my face. What a beautiful compliment!

I also see chubby cheeks, a double chin, bigger boobs (YAAASSS!!!), a big tummy and a big butt. Arms that jiggle and thighs that touch (where did my thigh gap go?). My calves are now too large for my fav black boots. Sigh….

What I don’t see is my collarbone, although I know it’s under there somewhere. I can’t see the bones in my chest, although that did used to gross me out somewhat. That vein in my neck that used to protrude is now protected by a layer of fat. I don’t see where I should be shaving when I shave “down there.” UGH!

I don’t walk the same, carrying around this extra weight. I’m off balance, less graceful. I don’t feel sexy, except for these boobs of mine. Are they worth the extra weight?? Gosh, I do like them. Never had these before, not even when pregnant.

Okay okay, forget the boobs. I don’t like how I had to buy bra extenders so my old bras would fit. And now, even with the extenders, they still squeeze my sides so I have spillage.

I miss some of my old clothes. I have some really pretty things, and now they are put away because they are too tight. It hurts. When I put them away, it was like I was grieving. I was sad and angry and in some amount of shock. What happened to me?

I have some shapewear. Squeezing into these pieces feels ridiculous! I can’t eat when I wear them. I can hardly get them off to go to the bathroom. I sweat while I do this little jumpy dance.

I’m always fearing the sound of a seam ripping. Oh my…. What if I split my pants?

How big am I really? I sometimes ask my husband (pointing to others at the mall or at the grocery store), am I as big as her or as her? I’m trying to gauge what I really look like, because I honestly don’t know. Now and then, the picture in the mirror sharpens, and I’m so very ashamed. I pray my vision is wrong.

Does God want this for me? Do I want this for me? Am I taking care of the body He entrusted to me?



Alison Dunn
Alison Dunn
Mar 27, 2020

I wish you could see yourself as you are - beautiful on the outside and the inside! Size is just a number. It doesn’t determine your value at all.


Elaine Vaughn
Mar 25, 2020

What a powerful post, Carole!! You have captured thoughts — mental processes — perfectly! What a gift!

How come our society thinks it’s O.K. for women to torture themselves with shape wear, but not men (not that I think anyone should)?

Like you, I have never been able to “see” myself. It’s bizarre, but I don’t know what I look like. My perceptions change like reflections in funhouse mirrors.

Sometimes I wonder if there is a link between body weight and brain chemistry. Food is and should be pleasurable and make us happy (otherwise we probably wouldn’t bother). If someone has much lower levels of certain brain chemicals than most people, then they would need higher levels of “happy food”…


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