Mmm milk!

I honestly don’t know what happened, but somehow, we ended up with 2 bags (with 3 bags each) of milk close to expiring. And I don't like to consume expired dairy - makes me nervous!
What’s a girl to do?? I really hate throwing out food (or pouring it out in this case), so I wracked my brain for how to use it up.
First, I asked both kids to please eat cereal for breakfast. Next, my daughter (who is 11 years old) made chocolate pudding from a mix. That used up 2 cups of milk. Then, I made egg popovers (one of my all-time favourite foods!) which used up more milk. Then I brought the popovers to my son and daughter with a glass of milk for each. Booyah! Later on, I made hot chocolate for the kids. Then I went looking in the pantry for a cake mix – that’s another 1¼ cup of milk. I made pasta for dinner and gave each kid another glass of milk. My son (who currently goes to bed around 1am) loves cereal for a bedtime snack, so that will help. I’m outta steam here!
I love milk. I love it cold, I love it warm, I love it hot. I love it as chocolate milk. I just love milk. So today was challenging for me. Milk spikes blood sugar so it’s a no-no for me right now. And here is all this milk! But I managed. I didn’t have any. I didn’t have any egg popovers, my ultimate comfort food, especially when I have my period or am stressed out. I didn’t eat any cake. I didn’t have any cereal.
I know that if I had taken one sip, or one bite, I would have consumed soo much!! Is it hard to say no? Yup! But it would be even harder to stop once I started. So I poured the milk and made the popovers and made the cake and just carried on with my day. I worked quickly and then walked away from the yumminess. Seeing my kids get excited about the treats made me feel happy inside.
In case you are wondering, it is now coming up to 7:30pm and we have just over 2 individual bags left over. Not too bad!! My son will have two bowls of cereal at bedtime. And as for the rest? I will pour out it out in the morning. But at least I'm not pouring out 6 bags-worth!
Your diet is HARD! I am so sorry for what you’re going through.
Regarding expiration dates, my husband has found that sometimes milk can stay fresh a day or 2 longer, especially considering where it is bought. Different stores must have different qualities of refrigeration, I guess. Milk bought from Shopper’s Drug Mart tends to last the longest.