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Scheduling in exercise

Writer: ChattyCaroleChattyCarole

I'm not a morning person. I'm also not a night owl.

I grew up figuring I am supposed to be one or the other.

Once I'm up and ready for the day, I hit the ground running. My best work is done in the morning for sure. As the day goes on, I get more tired, more impatient, more distracted. By evening, I'm toast.

I literally didn't know what the snooze button did before I got married. I also didn't know about clock radios vs the insistent annoying alarm going off. I blame my husband for all of my bad morning habits. ;)

Getting my butt out of bed is brutal. Here I am now, at 43 years of age, hitting snooze at least 2 or 3 times on my phone alarm. My mental arguments about staying in bed just a little longer would win me awards if they were vocalized.

Why am I telling you all this?

Along with my rediscovery of my love of biking, I have rediscovered my love of walking alone. I've gone for lots of walks over the past several months with my hubby or with friends, but there is just something about being alone.

I'm rarely alone these days.

I am always with my hubby and/or my kids. I can't catch a minute to listen to my own thoughts or process anything. And ya gotta admit, there's a lot to process these days!

Yesterday morning, while my hubby was out mountain biking with a buddy, and my kids were still asleep, I popped my earbuds in and went for a 40 minute walk. It was hot, it was breezy, it was therapy. So good for my soul. I let my thoughts wander while I listened to the Gin Blossoms, J Lo, Selena Gomez and Jason Derulo. I thought about my weight loss journey, my job, the upcoming school year, the virus, my family.....I let it all just roll through my mind and didn't force anything. Did I solve anything? Nope. But I felt better. I had gained 40 minutes of peace and quiet.

Don't get me wrong - I love my family! But we've been home together now for 5 months. A little space is okay. It's even necessary.

Today, I went for another 40 minute walk on my own. When I returned home, I realized that now that my vacation days are over for this summer, if I want to maintain a walking routine, I need to schedule this in. After my work day ends (which fluctuates each day), I'm busy with making dinner etc so a walk often falls off the menu. Which leads me to this: I think I should get up early and walk before my day begins. Make it a priority. Get it done so I don't have to worry about fitting it in after a long day of work and family responsibilities.

Well shit. That means getting up early. Something you now know I don't excel at.

Tomorrow is day 1 of the plan. I will allow myself to hit snooze once, to feel like I'm winning at beating the alarm. Immature, I know, but let me have this one. My workout clothes will already be laid out to allow for maximum motivation. Playlist ready on my phone.

Jillian Michaels, in one of her workout videos, says, "Girl, get some!" (in reference to pushing herself). I love this so much!!

Tomorrow, this girl is gonna get some!


Alison Dunn
Alison Dunn
Aug 17, 2020

Once you get used to it, morning workouts are MUCH better. I always do mornings - I find I am too tired to be of much use in the evenings after dinner. It takes some getting used to (getting up early), but there is no better feeling than being done working out early!


Elaine Vaughn
Aug 16, 2020

I think it could be really beautiful to walk early in the morning. My husband & I did this for a while. The air is still somewhat fresh from the night. The real heat of the day hasn’t set in yet. And, depending on how early you go, it could be fairly quiet. Just remember to be aware of your surroundings and stay safe. 😘😘


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