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Dear Yoga Pants,

Writer: ChattyCaroleChattyCarole

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

First off, I need to apologize. I have truly taken you for granted. You quietly and selflessly covered my tummy, booty and legs. And as my tummy, booty and legs grew in size, you never complained. You never judged me. You just continued to support me in all that I did. And I took you for granted. You were often the first thing I grabbed and you spent long hours with me.

And I wasn't always nice to you. I got frustrated with you when you didn't fit me as nicely anymore. That wasn't your fault. It's not you; it's me. And when I ripped a seam - I know that one hurt. I wasn't very empathetic that time either. I am so sorry.

Secondly, I want to thank you for being there for me during the good, the bad and the ugly. And right now, it's pretty bad and I dare say ugly. I'm not ugly, at least I don't think so. But the situation is ugly. You never shied away from anything. You are brave. When things were good and I was fit, we rocked our days together. And now, when things are bad and ugly, you are still here with me. Thank you.

I want you to know that I'm making a change. For me, for you, for us. In a time that feels very out-of-control, I am bringing some control back. Hell, I'm bringing sexy back (well, I like to think so!).

I've decided to kick intermittent fasting to the curb. Not that I can't stick it out until noon to eat, but I find I'm just not keeping to making good choices during my eating window. It's like I'm cramming all my food intake for a regular day into 8 hours. I recently read that I should move to a 5 hour eating window. Say what?! Sigh....And the scale is moving up. I know you feel this pain as much as I do.

I've already started to change. As of yesterday, I have returned to my Step 1 of my old eating plan. No carbs, no sugar, no dairy. Yes, it's restrictive. Yes, it's damn hard. Yes, it will be particularly tough to stick to during this pandemic and being stuck at home, all emotional and stressed out. But I really feel like it's needed right now, to restore some boundaries, some control and some positivity. This plan is proven to bring my weight down, at least to a point. And I need that badly.

My knees hurt. My skin feels stretched. I'm so uncomfortable in my body and I hate it. Yoga Pants, is this how I make you feel??

Please don't leave me, now when I need you more than ever!

With love,

Carole xo


Elaine Vaughn
Apr 06, 2020

Very poetic paragraph about comparing what your body is feeling (skin stretched) to yoga pants...

Oh, Carole, it breaks my heart that you had your hopes on intermittent fasting and it fell through, and now you are back on no carbs...😢 It all feels so extreme to me, but I do feel your panic.

I don’t for one second feel that you have failed your body. I believe that your body has failed you. I wish a doctor would just figure it out.


Alison Dunn
Alison Dunn
Apr 06, 2020

I think all of our yoga pants and sweats are feeling the burn now! I am trying to make it a point to at least wear jeans once a week - they keep me honest! Good luck on your eating plan! I also found that Intermittent Fasting didn’t work for me. Just remind yourself that this is the craziest, most stressful time any of us have had to go through and be kind to yourself!


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